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We're proud to be partners with

Ministry of Information Communication Technology and Innovation (MINICT)

The Ministry of ICT and Innovation is mandated to monitoring and evaluate the implementation of national policies, strategies and programs to promote technology and communication, developing and disseminating policies, strategies and programs for ICT and Innovation. The daily business of the Ministry of ICT is run through two key departments - the Digital Government Transformation and the Innovation and Business Development.

What is MINICT's misson?

The Ministry of Information Communication Technology and Innovation has a mission of addressing national priorities for economic growth and poverty reduction through development and coordination of national information technology, communication & Innovation policies and programs as well as citizen’s empowerment.

Our learners are ministerial staff selected from:

  • Ministry of ICT and Innovation
  • Rwanda Information Society Authority (RISA)
  • The National Identification Agency (NIDA)

Why MINICT trainees are suitable to benefit from Article26’s trainings:

The partnership between MINICT and Article26 contributes and advances the National Strategy for Transformation 1, 2017-2024 thematic area that focuses on productivity and youth employment by matching labor market demand with supply of skilled workers.

The partnership has started to support skills development of ministerial staff of MINICT. This approach targets at leveraging effects as improved human resources within the ministry staff can boost the results of their work for increased skilled human capacities in Rwanda.

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